How to Get Red Wine Out of a Couch
We've all been there. You have a few friends over for wine, and things get a little out of hand. Next thing you know, there's wine all over your couch! Don't worry, we're here to help. In this blog post, we will discuss how to get red wine out of a couch without any lasting stains. Follow these simple steps and your couches will be good as new in no time!
The Quickest Method
Step 1:
Blot the wine stain with a dry towel as soon as possible. This will help to absorb as much of the wine as possible, and will make the next steps easier.
Step 2 (optional):
Grab clothing stain remover, or (if you don't have clothing stain remover) some club soda. If you have neither of these items lying around grab salt. The salt will help soak up the excess liquid and prevent the stain from setting.
Step 3:
Apply the stain remover or club soda to a clean cloth and dab at the wine stain. Be sure to avoid rubbing, as this will only spread the wine around.
The Dish Detergent Method
Step 1:
Mix together one-part dish detergent with two-parts cold water.
Step 2:
Use a sponge and blot out the stain with the mixture. You may have to do a couple rounds of applying the mixture to your couch so be patient and consistent with your process.
The Vinegar and Soda Method
This method may be something passed down through the generations because it's a classic and known to also work.
Step 1:
To remove the red wine stain from your couch, pour baking soda on the stain, and then rinse with vinegar.
Step 2:
Wait a few minutes for it to start bubbling up. You'll want it to soak in before cleaning it up with a damp cloth. Repeat this, if the stain persists.
The Hydrogen Peroxide Method
Hydrogen peroxide seems intense to remove a stain, but it is the golden ticket to getting out that stubborn stain. If you don't have a bottle laying around you can get one from your closest supermarket or pharmacy.
Step 1:
Test a patch on your couch, you want to make sure the fabric of your couch doesn't fade or start to run. Hydrogen peroxide is a corrosive liquid, and while it may absolutely dissolve that red wine stain, you don't want it to take out your couch too.
Step 2:
If you're all good, spray away! Make sure the stain is covered.
Step 3:
Grab some baking soda and pour it on top of the hydrogen peroxide.
Step 4:
Let it sit for a while and then rinse with cold water.
We hope that these methods will do the trick in getting a red wine stain out of your couch. It's best to act fast, so the stain doesn't sit and become permanent. So, put that wine glass down in a safe place where it will not cause more chaos and get to work.
It is important to note, that before attempting any of these methods, you should speak to a professional about stain removal. Most of our specialists at Couch Potatoes will be able to tell you how to best take care of accidental messes on your couch, so be sure to ask if you come in for a couch. We have locations in South and Central Austin.
Written by Emily Holleran