How to Style Your King Size Bed the Right Way

How to Style Your King Size Bed the Right Way

The bed is the centerpiece of any bedroom. It's where we spend a third of our life, and it's also what welcomes us back to reality after a long day at work or school. When you get home, you want your space to feel clean and beautiful - not like an unmade mess. This article will teach you how to style your bed so that it looks inviting every time you walk in the room.

The Right Bedding

The first step is to choose the right bedding. Sheets, blankets, and pillows should all be of good quality so that they feel soft and comfortable against your skin. Cotton sheets are a great choice for the summer months, while flannel sheets are perfect for winter weather. Be sure to select colors and patterns that you love, as this will help you enjoy your bedroom even more. You can also add a duvet cover to your bedding ensemble. Duvets are typically cozier and they require less maintenance than traditional sheets, so they're a great choice for those who don't want to spend a lot of time on laundry.

Wallace Bed decorated with some nice shag pillows.

Add Some Pillows and Throws

Put lots of pillows on the bed - from floor pillows to back cushions, you need several soft surfaces that will greet you as soon as you walk into the room. If your budget allows it, choose one or two large accent pillows with unique patterns and textures that really stand out against the rest of your decorating scheme. You should also think about buying an extra standard pillow or two for added comfort if necessary. Don't forget throw blankets! A beautiful blanket draped over the end of the bed is a great way to add an extra element of style and comfort. You can also use it when you're watching TV or reading in bed so that your feet stay warm and cozy during cold winter nights!

Warner King Bed - Austin's Couch Potatoes Furniture

Warner King Bed

Framing Your Bed With Accents

Another easy trick for decorating your king-size bed is by adding art above it. Buy several pieces with similar colors and textures - perhaps they'll coordinate with another piece on your wall or mirror somewhere else in the room. If not, try something completely different from what you've already got going on elsewhere. Be sure to follow any hanging instructions before placing them over the headboard; some canvases need special hardware while others are best hung using adhesive tape or simple nails. Also, consider lighting if you have enough space around the bed - you could hang a rustic lantern over the headboard or attach several lamps to your wall.

Don't Worry

Remember that this is just general advice and there's no need to stick with it strictly! You can mix and match patterns, colors, textures, fabrics, etc., as long as they complement one another in some way. Just be sure not to overwhelm the room by choosing too much at once; otherwise you'll end up making your bedroom look cluttered instead of inviting. If all else fails, use neutral tones for an easygoing approach to decorating your king-size bed so it feels clean and open without being boring either.

light wood bed

Sun King Bed with a cinnamon finish.

Once you've followed these steps you should have a gorgeous new sleeping space waiting for you when you come home. Tuck in your sheets and blankets so that they're neat and tidy, and place any pillows at the head of the bed. You can even add a few decorative items to really make your bed stand out. By following these tips, you'll be able to create a beautiful and inviting bedroom retreat that you'll love spending time in.

Austin's Couch Potatoes has locations in Central and South Austin, we have beds and we'll help you style them.


Written by Emily Holleran

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